Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 4, Term 2

As part of our Magic Magnet unit we decided to make our very own fishing game. We discovered that magnets are attracted to metals that contain iron, steel or nickel. We used a paperclip sellotaped to the back of our fish so that it would be attracted to our 'magnetic' fishing rod.

This week we had a visit from Dallas from Nelson Basketball. She came to teach us some skills to play miniball. It was quite tricky for us but we just kept on trying and had loads of fun.

As part of our Inquiry learning skills we have been learning how to cooperate in a group. We created a picture of Dr. Potaka. In groups of 3 we had to negotiate which part of Dr. Potaka's body we would each draw. We had to discuss, negotiate and compromise.

Next week...
Our sounds will be medial vowels a and e.
Our words will be all/by/because.
During maths we will be looking at counting backwards from 20.
Our Matariki celebrations start next week. Each Friday morning we will rotate classes and children will be exploring a range of maori games, weaving, legends, arts and crafts.
We have a number of children who have not returned their library book. Please ensure they are returned for Friday.
Have a happy and safe week!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 3, Term 2

On Monday we had a very special visitor come to our assembly. Christian Cullen. Christian was an All Black and was well known for how fast he can run with the ball. He didn't come to talk about rugby though, he came to talk about raising money for the Rescue Helicopters. These helicopters cost a phenomenal amount of money each time they go out on a mission. Along with a number of other local schools Nelson Central is involved in a competition to raise the most money for this cause. If we win Richie McCaw will come to visit us!

Magic Magnets
This week we have been exploring magnets. We took the magnetic wands around the room to see what they would stick to.

Buddy Time
Every other Friday afternoon we get together with our Big Buddies from Room 8. We love this special time. This week we shared some of our work with them. Then we went outside to practise our catching skills. We are lucky to have such kind and caring buddies who love to help us.

Next week...

Our sounds will be ue, er, ar, wh.
Our words will be of/where or would/why.
During maths we are looking at patterns that make 5 and 10.
This week during our topic we will be exploring why magnets will only pick up certain types of materials.
Apologies for the misunderstanding over the cake stall last week. It will take place this Thursday lunchtime. More details will come. Please keep your eye on the newsletter.
This Friday 27th is 'Wacky Hat' day. This is another fundraising event for the Rescue Helicopters.
As the weather has cooled considerably more and more children are coming to school in trainers. If they are lace up shoes can you please ensure your child is able to tie laces. We take our shoes on and off during the day and as you can imagine it is very time consuming for me to tie up numerous shoes. There are certain 'stretchy' shoe laces that you can buy which do not require lacing up, these are another good option. Thank you for your co-operation.
Have a happy week!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 2, Term 2

This week Neroli had the most wonderful surprise! A letter arrived in Renwick 3 and with great anticipation we opened it together. Pippa! Our old friend Pippa had written the most beautiful letter to Neroli. It was very exciting. Especially to hear Pippa's family have a blogsite. We immediately logged on and enjoyed looking around the market and seeing Pippa's toothless smile! Some of Pippa's old friends from Renwick 3 wanted to share their smiles back to Pippa!

Cross Country
Wow what a day! After waiting anxiously we finally got to line up and run our Cross Country. We were very proud of ourselves. This was a hard task but like true champions we rose to the occasion and performed extremely well.

Next week...
Our sounds will be th, q, ou, o1.
Our words will be they/too.
During maths time we will be working on knowing our groupings within 5 and 10.
Now that the cross country has finished we will be learning how to catch effectively. 'Catch' is our Fundamental Movement Skill which we will be focussing on this term. You can easily help at home by playing large ball games. Remind your child to keep their eye on the ball and to move into the path of the object.
Our topic this term is Magic Magnets. We are exploring how magnets are used in our everyday life.
As part of Nelson Central's efforts to raise money for the Richie McCaw Chopper Challenge on Thursday there will be a cake stall held by Te Pouahi in the horse shoe and on Friday Room 2 will be selling Juicies. Please order your juicies outside the library before school.
Library day is Friday. Please help your child to remember their library book to ensure they can issue a new one.
Have a happy and safe week!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 1, Term 2

Last week was National Science Week. We had some fun experimenting with baking soda and vinegar and salty water. We made some predictions as to what we thought might happen before we tried the experiments. Made of us didn't think the egg would still float in the salty water once we cracked it open!

Pirate Fun!
With so many wet days at school this week we decided to have some 'Pirate Fun'. We turned some tables upside down to make ships. Hats and telescopes were a necessity! No treasures were found...but there could be a next time.

Next week...
Our sounds will be y,x,ch,sh. For those children who have completed the Jolly Phonic sounds we will be revising some of the more tricky sounds. After some assessment it is predominantly the diagraphs that the majority of children are struggling with.
Our words will be he, down/who, have.
We are working on ordering numbers during maths time. We have also started investigating length.
Our school cross country will be held on Tuesday. Although the event starts at 1.30pm Renwick 3 and the Kowhai children will not be going down until around 2pm. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate shoes for running. There is a designated area for parents to watch from. After greeting your child please ensure you move to this area. The school day will finish at 3pm as per usual.
Have a happy and safe week!