Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 1, Term 2

Last week was National Science Week. We had some fun experimenting with baking soda and vinegar and salty water. We made some predictions as to what we thought might happen before we tried the experiments. Made of us didn't think the egg would still float in the salty water once we cracked it open!

Pirate Fun!
With so many wet days at school this week we decided to have some 'Pirate Fun'. We turned some tables upside down to make ships. Hats and telescopes were a necessity! No treasures were found...but there could be a next time.

Next week...
Our sounds will be y,x,ch,sh. For those children who have completed the Jolly Phonic sounds we will be revising some of the more tricky sounds. After some assessment it is predominantly the diagraphs that the majority of children are struggling with.
Our words will be he, down/who, have.
We are working on ordering numbers during maths time. We have also started investigating length.
Our school cross country will be held on Tuesday. Although the event starts at 1.30pm Renwick 3 and the Kowhai children will not be going down until around 2pm. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate shoes for running. There is a designated area for parents to watch from. After greeting your child please ensure you move to this area. The school day will finish at 3pm as per usual.
Have a happy and safe week!


  1. What super scientists. It all looks very tricky. And you all make a bunch of pretty scary pirates too!

  2. Cool experiments Renwick 3! I was surprised that the egg floated on salt water too. Do you think a human would float on salt water too?
